دليل شركات إعادة تدوير الورق

Nirmal Vasundhara Pvt. Ltd.

Shop no. 114, Tulsi Market, Near Trade House, Beside Rushabh Petrol Pump, Ring Road, Surat, Gujarat 395002
الهند الهند

معلومات عن العاملين

عدد العاملين
الوصف الشركة

NIRMAL VASUNDHARA aims to bring in more efficient cost-effectiveness and awareness while managing the end-to-end operation of waste disposal and management. Nirmal Vasundhara is recognized for offering end-to-end waste management services catered to assist Producers, Importer & Brand Owners (PIBOs) that comply to EPR under plastic waste management rules 2016 and all the successive amendments.

  • Plastic Waste Collection, Segregation & channelization of waste to recycling facility.

  • Co-working with different Municipal bodies for better management of plastic waste with required expertise in recycling.

  • Providing full spectrum of activities to PIBOs covered under PWM rules 2016 and all the successive amendments.

منشأة إعادة تدوير المواد تفاصيل العمل

نوع المواد المعاد تدويرها
البلاستيك ،الورق ،الزجاج ،المعادن
المواد المعالجة (طن/السنة)
نوع العميل
سكني ،تجاري
خدمات الجمع


الشركة الأم
Jay Bharat Group
أخر تحديث