دليل شركات إعادة تدوير البلاستيك

[Re] Waste

كندا كندا
الوصف الشركة

[Re] Waste is dedicated to revolutionizing the recycling industry and helping businesses achieve their sustainability goals. Our unique Recycling model integrates technology, data, and recycling to create a seamless and personalized experience for our customers. Our team of experts in the recycling industry provide thought leadership and educate our customers on the latest trends and best practices. We are proud to have retail, commercial and industrial partners from local businesses to multi nationals, who validate our services and connect us with like-minded businesses looking for sustainable solutions.

محطة إعادة التدوير تفاصيل العمل

المواد المقبولة:
HDPE ،HIPS ،LDPE ،LLDPE ،بولي إيثيلين متوسط الكثافة ،PC ،PE ،PP
المنتجات المعاد تدويرها:
المواد المعالجة (طن/السنة):
عدد المحطات:
أخر تحديث